14°28'59.8"S 75°13'25.6"W
The project is shot from the "Antigua Carretera Panamericana Sur" at 590 meters above sea levels during a month-long trip to Perù.
Coming from the west coast, in direction to Nazca, after hundreds of kilometers of road in the middle of nowhere, a green plain suddenly appears in the middle of the mountain peaks, like an oasis into the desert. It was Río Grande District, one of five districts of the province Palpa in Peru where the average amount of annual precipitation is: 0.5 mm (0.02 in).
I used infrared photography in order to highlight the power of the nature in such a death valley and I shot with a full-spectrum Canon EOS R and a 590 nm (nanometers) filters. With this techniques I've blocked the visible light capturing only the invisible (infrared light).Elements with chlorophyll, such as grass, leaves and trees, strongly reflect this infrared light, invisible to the human eyes. The Chlorophyll is reflected by plant for the 20% on the green, visible to the human eyes, the other 80% is reflected on the infrared spectrum that we can’t see (red color).These mountains instead, being dry and without organic matter, turn white on infrared photography.
Year: 2019